As the Children’s Ministry of Grace Coastal Church, we seek to be faithful to the Scriptures, true to the Reformed faith, and obedient to the Great Commission. By grace, we endeavor to assist and equip parents in the Christian nurture of their children, to love children with the love of Christ, and to proclaim the Gospel to children both in our covenant community and our local area. Our desire is for our children:
- to know "the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make one wise for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ” (2 Timothy 3:14-15), from Genesis to Revelation
- to know the tenants of our Reformed Faith as found in our confession of of faith and catechism
- to place their faith in Christ alone for salvation and begin the process of learning, loving and living God’s Word
Kids Sunday School
Kids Sunday school is provided for children of ages 4-12 at the 9:00am education hour. We encourage all families to worship together during service. GCC believes that parents are integral to establishing worship as a family heritage with their children. Sunday school or Children’s Church is a bonus.
Sunday School is an exciting, active format to share God’s truth with our children. The program is for children from 4 – 12 years old. An alternative interactive program is provided for children 2 – 3 years old.
For young parents who wish to keep their children with them, we have a room across from the pastor’s office for young parents and their children. There are speakers and rocking chairs for your convenience in this area.
Sunday Children's Church
Children’s Church (ages 4-6) is provided for families during the Sunday service. The kids attend the regular worship and are sent to Children’s Church before the start of the sermon.
Nursery for infants and toddlers is provided at both Sunday Services.
Additional Ministries & Information
Back Pack Buddies
Collection and distribution for the local school on behalf of students in need
Godly Letters to Young Hearts
Monthly letters of Godly instruction, encouragement, and love
Children's Ministry Director
Special events are planned throughout the year with families and children in mind. For additional information please contact our Children's Director Brittany Zip